The ASB recently adopted a final revision of ASOP No. 38, now titled Catastrophe Modeling (for All Practice Areas). The standard provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to selecting, using, reviewing, or evaluating catastrophe models. The standard applies to ...
The ASB recently approved a third exposure draft of a proposed revision of ASOP No. 4, Measuring Pension Obligations and Determining Pension Plan Costs or Contributions. The standard provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to measuring obligations under a def ...
The ASB recently adopted a final revision of Actuarial Standard of Practice (ASOP) No. 28, now titled Statements of Actuarial Opinion Regarding Health Insurance Assets and Liabilities. The ASOP provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to issuing or reviewing a ...
The ASB recently adopted a final revision of ASOP No. 11, now titled Treatment of Reinsurance or Similar Risk Transfer Programs Involving Life Insurance, Annuities, or Health Benefit Plans in Financial Reports. The ASOP provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect ...
The ASB recently approved an exposure draft of a revision of ASOP No. 18, now titled Long-Term Care. The ASOP provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to long-term care (LTC) benefit plans sponsored by insurers or other entities. The standard applies to actuari ...
The ASB released its 2020 Annual Report, which highlights the board’s accomplishments throughout the year, including adopting three revised ASOPs, approving five exposure drafts for comment, and approving proposals to revise 10 existing ASOPs and one actuarial compliance guideline.
The ASB recently approved a revision of ASOP No. 3 now titled Continuing Care Retirement Communities and At Home Programs.
The standard, which was last revised in 2008, applies to actuaries when performing actuarial services, including giving advice, in connection with Continuing Care Retireme ...
The ASB recently approved an exposure draft of a revision of ASOP No. 38, now titled Catastrophe Modeling (for All Practice Areas). The ASOP provides guidance to actuaries when performing actuarial services with respect to selecting, using, reviewing, or evaluating catastrophe models. At the direct ...
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About The ASB
The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) sets standards for appropriate actuarial practice in the United States through the development and promulgation of Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs). These ASOPs describe the procedures an actuary should follow when performing actuarial services and identify what the actuary should disclose when communicating the results of those services.