The Applicability Guidelines are not standards of practice. The Actuarial Standards Board has not promulgated the guidelines, nor are they binding on any actuary. Ultimately, it remains the actuary’s responsibility to identify the standard(s) that apply to each assignment.
The Applicability Guidelines provide actuaries with non-authoritative guidance as to which standards might apply to tasks that actuaries perform. Although the guidelines are meant to encourage the professionalism of actuaries, they are not intended to be exhaustive, nor are they authoritative by nature.
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About The ASB

The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) sets standards for appropriate actuarial practice in the United States through the development and promulgation of Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs). These ASOPs describe the procedures an actuary should follow when performing actuarial services and identify what the actuary should disclose when communicating the results of those services.
March 11-12
June 26-27
September 9-11
December 9-11
March 3-5
June 9-11
September 21-23
December 2-4
Meeting Guidelines
March 11-12
June 26-27
September 9-11
December 9-11
March 3-5
June 9-11
September 21-23
December 2-4
Meeting Guidelines
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