- Arlie Proctor (Submitted 12.6.16)
- Keith Passwater (Submitted 12.7.16)
- Anthony Rubiano (Submitted 12.7.16)
- Jeffrey Baer (Submitted 12.7.16)
- Jeff Dukes (Submitted 12.9.16)
- Rajesh Sahasrabuddhe (Submitted 12.10.16)
- Kelvin Sederburg (Submitted 12.18.2016)
- Marianne Teetsel (Submitted 01.10.2017)
- James Galasso (Submitted 01.12.2017)
- Nick Ortner (Submitted 01.13.2017)
- Bruce A. Stahl (Submitted 01.24.2017)
- John Captain (Submitted 01.25.2017)
- Kevin Reopel (Submitted 02.14.2017)
- Patricia Matson (Submitted 02.23.2017)
- Jan Harrington (Submitted 02.27.2017)
- Aaron Bush (Submitted 03.10.2017)
- Perry Kupferman (Submitted 03.22.2017)
- Warren Luckner (Submitted 03.22.2017)
- Denis Guenthner (Submitted 04.03.2017)
- Nik Godon (Submitted 04.09.2017)
- Samuel S. Stanley (Submitted 04.11.2017)
- California Department of Insurance (Submitted 04.11.2017)
- John R. Pedrick (Submitted 04.17.2017)
- Aon’s Joint Actuarial Practice Compliance Team (Submitted 04.19.2017)
- Sara Frankowiak (Submitted 04.19.2017)
- Greg Hayward (Submitted 04.24.2017)
- Lincoln Financial Group (Submitted 04.24.2017)
- Willis Towers Watson (Submitted 04.26.2017)
- Olga Jacobs et al. (Submitted 04.27.2017)
- ERM/ORSA Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries (Submitted 04.27.2017)
- Interested Parties at Principal Financial Group (Submitted 04.28.2017)
- National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and the Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts (WCRIBMA) (Submitted 04.27.2017)
- Deloitte & Touche LLP and Deloitte Consulting LLP (Submitted 04.28.2017)
- Brian Brown et al. (Submitted 04.28.2017)
- Sabrina Gibson (Submitted 04.28.2017)
- ASPPA College of Pension Actuaries (ACOPA) (Submitted 04.29.2017)
- ISO Solutions (Submitted 04.27.2017)
- Mercer (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- Daryl C. Bell et al. (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- Academy’s Pension Committee (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- New York Life Insurance Company (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- Jeff Petertil (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- KPMG (Submitted 04.30.2017)
- Jackson National Life Insurance Company (Submitted 04.28.2017)
- Pinnacle Actuarial Resources (Submitted 04.30.2017)
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The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) sets standards for appropriate actuarial practice in the United States through the development and promulgation of Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs). These ASOPs describe the procedures an actuary should follow when performing actuarial services and identify what the actuary should disclose when communicating the results of those services.
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