Bruce Friedland (08.21.22)
Mearl Platt (08.22.22)
John Yonkunas (08.23.22)
Steven T. Anderson (08.23.22)
Michael Manon (08.24.22)
Tia Goss Sawhne (08.26.22)
John Patrick Kinney III (08.26.22)
Steve Alpert (08.28.22)
- Kelly McKeethan (08.29.22)
- Casey Hammer (08.29.22)
- Clara Comes (09.14.22)
- Paul Conlin (10.20.22)
- Jan Harrington (10.23.22)
- Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. (10.24.22)
- Verisk Analytics (10.25.22)
- Willis Towers Watson (10.25.22)
- Bill Winton (10.25.22)
- Margaret Tiller Sherwood (10.25.22)
- Ralph Blanchard (10.26.22)
- David Shaw (10.26.22)
- Daniel Lyons (10.26.22)
- Brian Murphy (10.27.22)
- Aon (10.28.22)
- Zurich North America (10.28.22)
- Financial Reporting Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries (10.31.22)
- Ben Tucker (10.31.22)
- Matt Hinton et al. (10.31.22)
- Health Practice Council, American Academy of Actuaries (11.1.22)
- Greg Frankowiak (11.1.22)
- Linda Lankowski (11.1.22)
- Pension Committee, Multiemployer Plans Committee and Public Plans Committee (the Committees) of the American Academy of Actuaries (11.1.22)
- American Society of Enrolled Actuaries (11.1.22)
- American Academy of Actuaries, on behalf of the Casualty Practice Council (11.1.22)
- Segal (11.1.22)
- Anthony T. Salis (11.1.22)
- Mercer (11.1.22)
- Melissa Brown (11.1.22)
- Erica Johnson (11.1.22)
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The Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) sets standards for appropriate actuarial practice in the United States through the development and promulgation of Actuarial Standards of Practice (ASOPs). These ASOPs describe the procedures an actuary should follow when performing actuarial services and identify what the actuary should disclose when communicating the results of those services.
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