The ASB recently approved a fourth exposure draft of a proposed new ASOP titled Modeling. The proposed ASOP will provide guidance to actuaries in any practice area when performing actuarial services with respect to designing, developing, selecting, modifying, or using all types of models. The third exposure draft of the proposed ASOP was released in June 2016. Twenty-eight comment letters were received and considered in making changes that are reflected in the fourth exposure draft. Changes made to the fourth exposure draft include clearer accommodation of other forms of modeling (such as predictive and statistical modeling) different from those of financial projection modeling; a revision of section 1.2., Scope, to remove the concept of “simple models”; and inclusion of new section 3.4, Reliance on Experts. The comment deadline for the fourth exposure draft, which can be viewed under the “Drafts” tab in “Current Exposure Drafts”, is May 15, 2019. Information on how to submit comments can be found in the draft.
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